Medical malpractice
Medical malpractice
Medical malpractice occurs when a health care provider gives substandard treatment that causes harm to a patient. Learn your rights in getting medical care and what can constitute medical malpractice.
Operated by: People's Law School
Information on doctors & hospitals, health care, and medical records.
Medical malpractice
Medical malpractice occurs when a health care provider gives substandard treatment that causes harm to a patient. Learn your rights in getting medical care and what can constitute medical malpractice.
If you have a problem with a doctor
If you’re concerned with the treatment provided by a doctor or about a doctor’s conduct, there are steps you can take. Learn how to make a complaint about a doctor.
Hospitalizing a mentally ill person
Anyone who wants help with a mental illness can ask to be admitted to a facility for treatment. The law also allows people to be involuntarily admitted in certain situations.
Adults and consent to health care
Generally speaking, adults can only be given health care with their consent. We explain consent, and the exceptions to this general rule, including what happens when someone is mentally incapable.
Children and consent to health care
In BC, a child under age 19 may consent to their own health care, if the child is capable. Learn what this means and other issues of health care consent.
Getting your medical records
Under BC law, the information in your medical records belongs to you. Learn your rights relating to your medical records, who has access to them, and how to get them.