Insurance benefits for accident victims
Insurance benefits for accident victims
Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can have a serious impact on your health, as well as your wallet. Insurance benefits can help ease the financial burden.
Operated by: People's Law School
Know your legal rights relating to car accidents & insurance, car sales & repairs, and driving offences.
Insurance benefits for accident victims
Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can have a serious impact on your health, as well as your wallet. Insurance benefits can help ease the financial burden.
If you’re injured in a motor vehicle accident
Getting hurt in a motor vehicle accident is an awful experience. Learn your legal rights and answers to common questions in the event you’re injured.
Making a vehicle damage claim
If your car is damaged in an accident — or you damage someone else’s car — insurance may cover the damage. Learn answers to common questions relating to vehicle damage claims.
The points system and ICBC
When you get a ticket for a driving offence in British Columbia, you’ll typically get penalty points on your driver’s record. The more points you get, the more you may have to pay in insurance premiums. Learn how penalty points work.
Driving without insurance
Everyone who drives a vehicle in BC must have insurance. If you don’t, you can be charged with driving without insurance. Learn your rights and the steps you can take.
Buying a used car: Be careful
Pro tip: Be careful buying a used car. The vehicle might have hidden defects or the seller might be dishonest. Learn what to watch for and how to avoid problems.
Buying a used car: The sale
It’s true what they say: “Get it in writing.” If you’re buying a used car, don’t do it on a handshake. Learn how the sale process works, and how to protect yourself.
Problem with a used car
You bought a used car. Just days later, it broke down. Your mechanic says the problem will cost thousands to repair. What can you do? Learn your rights and steps you can take.
Leasing a car
Leasing a vehicle is quite different from buying one. Leasing can offer lower monthly payments, but you typically spend more in the long run. Learn your rights if you lease.
Car repairs
Vehicle repairs can be complex and expensive. You can avoid or minimize problems with repairs by following these tips.
Impaired driving
Impaired driving is a serious offence with complex legal and technical issues, as well as significant penalties if you’re convicted. Learn what to expect if you’re charged with impaired driving.
Driving while prohibited
There are several ways you can be prohibited from driving: by the province, by the police, or by a driving conviction. It is a driving offence to drive while prohibited.
Traffic tickets
The police give out a violation ticket for less serious driving offences. Learn the options available if you get a traffic ticket, and the steps involved in disputing the ticket.